Enrollment Enquiries

All enquiries relating to enrolment are to be directed to the Principal of the Bangla Language & Cultural School. Upon expression of interest of a child to enrol in the school, the child is asked to undertake a simple assessment by the teacher. The assessment will assist the teacher to ascertain the appropriate level within the curriculum to place the child. This is carried out to cater for the diverse needs and ability of each child to grasp the Bangla language.

The School is subsidized by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Government of ACT with some contribution of students’ parents. Money collected from the government grants are used to cover costs such as room hire, teaching materials, excursion element and student tiffin etc. Any monetary contribution or volunteer work contribution is always welcome.

Textbooks are kindly provided by Bangladesh High Commission Canberra. The school will provide free of cost exercise books and exercise sheets. All writing works and home works tasks should be done within the exercise book.

Please download the file attached to get the required prerequisites and curriculum for the enrollment:

Prerequisites and curriculum

Please download the file attached, complete it and submit it to a teacher or staff member.

Enrollment Form

Promoting Bangla Language and Providing awareness of the rich Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh among the Bangladeshi Australian children living in Canberra

What was the day?

February 2025

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